Friday, November 11, 2005

Straight thoughts 139

Ontario's health Minister George Smitherman, who openly declared his own "different" sexual tendencies, in a recent public address said that alcohol and drug abuse, depression and HIV/AIDS are more common among people with different sexual orientations.
As a result, he promised to introduce discrimination in favour of these people in Ontario's health care system.
As reported by the Canadian Press, he admitted that "Much of this is behavioural in nature and it does require a health-care system that is responsive to [their] needs"
In two short phrases the health minister has clarified several important points:
One: The behaviour of people with "different sexual orientations" is risky.
Two: Their behaviour is "different" (not normal).
Three: It is a behaviour (it is not congenital).
Four: It has costly health consequences.
However, the health minister himself may have a conflict of interest when proposing government sponsored programs singling out homosexuals.
An impartial health minister would have also revealed that this is the only risky behaviour which seems to be politically acceptable: No government money is spent in order to discourage this behaviour through public education and prevention (as we have done for smokers, alcoholics or drug addicts). In fact, people who have just suggested that homosexuals can change, have been accused of "homophobia" and charged by the Human Rights Tribunals.
As we have done with drinking and driving, an impartial health minister would have suggested special laws restraining those behavioural aspects of people with "different sexual orientations" that may be dangerous to third parties, especially young teen-agers.